Završena jedanaesta CNS ljetna škola
U srijedu, 11. augusta 2021. godine, završena je ljetna škola pod nazivom „Islam in Contemporary World“. Ljetnu školu je jedanaesetu godinu zaredom organizovao Centar za napredne studije uz podršku partnera Centra za međukulturno razumijevanje „Horizonti“ iz Podgorice, Centra za dijalog – Vesatijja, te Medrese “Mehmed Fatih” iz Podgorice. Usljed pandemije koronavirusa, ovogodišnji program realizovan je putem Zoom-a.
Učesće na ovogodišnjoj CNS ljetnoj školi uzela su 32 studenata dodiplomskog i postdiplomskog studija iz balkanskih, evropskih i i nekoliko azijskih zemalja. Osmodnevni program je obuhvatio predavanja dr. Ermina Sinanovića, dr. Ahmeta Alibašića, dr. Hikmeta Karčića, dr. Mirze Sarajkića, dr. Renata Bekkina, dr. Ardiana Muhaja, mr. Đermane Šeta, mr. Sehije Dedović, mr. Amela Kovačevića, te Omera Kajoshaja, dr. Ivana Ejuba Kostića i Muhameda Jusića.
Program je bio je baziran na tri stvari:
1) Ključna pitanja o savremenom islamskom mišljenju;
2) Učenje o balkanskim muslimanskim zajednicama i islamskoj kulturi;
3) Sticanje osnovnih znanja iz historije, komunikologije i ekonomije.
Program je zaključen kvizom na osnovu čijih su rezultata polaznici bili nagrađeni. U nastavku donosimo nekoliko komentara i ocjena programa od strane polaznika
During the lectures I had a chance to learn a lot of new thing, widen my horizons about spoken topics, learn more about issues that Muslims are facing and what potential solutions can we apply, hear and get to know about other mindsets, also learn about the situations in other countries.
CNS Summer School 2021 program was super nice and I learned many things. I wished it was face to face and I hope I will be able to join the next programs organized by the Center for Advance Studies. Thank you for providing such an opportunity for us.
The best part of the program, I think is the length of the program applied in summer time for young people that are eager to learn more about Islam. Focus on developing the young generation about Islam — historically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally, so that can help us be prepared for both the present and the future inshaAllah.
Some aspects of the program I think have contributed the most in my learning and development are the dedication for knowing, understanding of the Islam in a wider aspect in our contemporary daily world, and this from an interaction with Muslim experts in different fields and young Muslims all over the world.
The best part of the program was to bring such qualified scholars of the relevant topic together. Their lectures were eye-opening.